Cyvers Brand Guidelines
Welcome to Cyvers brand page. Any time you want to mention us in social media, you are free to use resources, presented here. We’ll help you learn how you can use our logo, product icons, and other brand elements in your work.
Cyvers Logo
Download our logo in svg format for further usage in social media and commercials.
Download HereCyvers Color Palette
We`ve chosen cyber colors for our brand - purples and neon green. They make you dive deep to the crypto ocean. We also use gold as a secondary color.
Cyvers Fonts
In Cyvers we use Archia font for titles in web representations of the brand.
Also we use
Century gothic is used for presentations.
Cyvers Banners
Please look at our banner examples.
Next generation blockchain threat prevention
Identify patterns and anomalies across blockchains in real-time for proactive mitigation.
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